Could This Be The Missing Link
in Human Nutrition?

Nitrilosides are biochemicals found in nearly all terrestrial plants and were discovered to be essential nutrients for both animal and human nutrition over 50 years ago.

The most common nitriloside is amygdalin which is the compound found in apricot seeds and other stone fruit. The truth is this is just the tip of the iceberg but this is the one the is contained in the controversial laetrile products.

Why has this information been hidden for so long?

The medical cartel has not been able to reproduce the complexity of these biochemicals. As long as we are not iodine deficient and we are getting proper enzymes the natural form of cyanide metabolized from nitrilosides is broken down in the cells but cancer cells are not protected in the same way making these biochemicals selectively cytotoxic.

In this series of long lost historical books, reformatted into accessible PDF reports you'll learn all the details about these biochemicals including:

  • How nitrilosides are metabolized

  • Why wild animals rarely ever get cancer until captivity in a zoo!

  • How cyanide can be an important biochemical and detox metabolite

  • How the information about nitrilosides has been so effectively inverted to scare both individuals and doctors away from using these effective natural remedies

  • Which enzymes are so vitally important for B vitamin metabolism including the metabolic breakdown of nitrilosides and why this balance is so important in the prevention of cancer.

Nitrilosides The Forbidden Treatment Revealed Part 1 is available now!

Sign up now with your email and you'll get part 1 now and the others right away when they are completed, all for free!
Get them now while you can because we could get shut down for revealing this long lost historical information which we are sharing under the fair use doctrine.


The first nitriloside discovered in the seed of the apricot but also common in other stone fruit.

Common Nitrilosides

White clover, alfalfa, millet, and buckwheat are just a few of the grasses with high concentrations of nitriloside compounds but they differ from amygdalin in an important way which you'll read in part one of this series of reports.


The chemical structure of the most well known nitriloside

These Nitriloside Reports Will Change Your View of Cyanide!

I'm creating a series of reports which I call Nitrilosides The Forbidden Treatment Revealed.

This series includes rare historical books most approximately 50 years old which have been hidden by the medical cartel and been shrouded in misinformation to scare you away from this vital remedy which may be the secret nutritional deficiency that is a primary cause of many cancers.